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SVG of Food allergy icons including the 14 allergies outlined by the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation, EFSA European Food Safety Authority Annex II which encompass the big 8 FDA Major Allergens svg

SVG of Food allergy icons including the 14 allergies outlined by the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation, EFSA European Food Safety Authority Annex II which encompass the big 8 FDA Major Allergens

Our contributor designer picture tagged as

allergies svg efsa svg allergen svg gluten svg symbol svg crustaceans svg egg svg lupin svg icon svg sign svg lactose svg nut svg peanuts svg soya svg mustard svg celery svg white svg safety svg molluscs svg peanut svg sulphides svg vector svg wheat svg soy svg soybean svg fda svg set svg european svg black svg milk svg tree svg allergy svg ikons svg label svg icons svg food svg allergens svg eu svg shellfish svg nuts svg fish svg sesame svg labelling svg dairy svg